Introducing Our Partnership Ecosystem Team

By Alex Hawkes|28 September, 2020

The Console Connect ecosystem is growing. Fast.

Over the last 12 months, we’ve more than doubled the size of our partnership ecosystem, adding hundreds of new data centre locations and on-boarding lots of new cloud, SaaS, IX and IoT partners.

Meet the team behind that ecosystem growth, who are on-boarding new partners from all over the world…

Louis Richards

LOUIS FINALEcosystem focus: Louis is the Ecosystem Partnership Director for Console Connect in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He works closely with a wide range of carriers, service providers and data centre partners across these key regions.

Recent partnerships: Louis has recently on-boarded a number of new data centre partners in Europe, including Maincubes, Keppel DC and Telehouse France. He has also been working with Teraco and NAPAfrica to extend our ecosystem in Africa.

Career background: Louis joined Console Connect in September 2019 and has previously held business development roles at GTT and IX Reach. During his time at IX Reach, he worked briefly on the Console Connect platform, before it was acquired by PCCW Global in 2017.

What he likes best about the Console Connect platform: “For me, the functionality, UX and UI is what really makes the platform stand out. Before they’ve even experienced the technology, I get a lot of comments from partners on how easy the platform is to use. It really is so easy to navigate that anyone can use it.

Having worked on the platform for a while now, I can see how much the functionality has grown. We are creating an ecosystem where you will eventually be able to buy and sell all types of digital infrastructure and services at the click of a button.”

Contact Louis: Louis is based in London and be reached on

David Young

DAVID FINALEcosystem focus: David brings more of a technical background to his role as Ecosystem Partner Manager. As well as helping with the technical requirements of our partners, he is focused on growing our partnership base in Europe and Latin America. David also supports marketing with inside sales.

Recent partnerships: David has been working closely with a number of Tier 2 carriers and service providers and has recently on-boarded IP House in the UK.

Career background: David joined the Console Connect team in November 2019, but has been with PCCW Global since April 2018, when he was hired as Regional Product Manager. In this role he was focused on network data services, such as MPLS, Carrier Ethernet and Layer 3 VPN.

David brings a blend of network engineering and sales experience to his role at Console Connect, having previously worked at Gulf Bridge International, Interoute and Telstra International.

What he likes best about the Console Connect platform: “It makes network provisioning as simple as it should be. During my time as a network engineer, I saw first-hand how difficult it can be to provision networks and how prone the process can be to human error. By using network automation, Console Connect eliminates all of those problems and little or no expertise is required to use the platform – it essentially democratises bandwidth.”

Contact David: David is based in London and can be reached on

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Richard Parker

Richard FINALEcosystem focus: Richard is the newest member of the Console Connect team and is focused on bringing new UcaaS, SaaS and cloud partners to our ecosystem.

Recent partnerships: Richard is currently exploring new opportunities to build partnerships and integrations with best-of-breed communication platform and SaaS providers.

Career background: Richard joined Console Connect from PCCW Global in August 2020, and was previously focused on developing PCCW Global's cloud communications portfolio. He joined PCCW Global when it acquired the UK hosted UcaaS provider Voxclever in 2015.

Richard brings a deep understanding of the cloud business applications market to his Partnership Ecosystem Manager role and also sits on the board of the Cloud Communications Alliance; a not-for-profit peer association dedicated to the growth of the cloud communications industry.

What he likes best about the Console Connect platform: “The Console Connect platform is a massive step forward in the way we provision networks. The agility of the platform matches a lot of what are we talking about in the cloud communications industry right now and it shows a willingness to adapt to the modern-way of working to truly enable rapid digital transformation.

One of the big differentiators of the platform is being underpinned by our own private global IP network, which really helps our customer expand their presence globally. The future potential for the platform is huge, particularly when you consider the rollout of new technologies, such as blockchain and 5G.”

Contact Richard: Richard is based in Paris and be contacted on

Edward Chan

EDWARD FINALEcosystem focus: Edward is focused on growing our partner ecosystem across Asia Pacific, where he works closely with a range of local carriers, data centres, SaaS and cloud providers.

Recent partnerships: Edward has on-boarded a number of new data centre partners in the Asia Pacific region, including Citic Telecom, HKCOLO, iAdvantage, iTech Towers and TGT. Most recently he has been working with HKEX Hosting Service to enable instant access via Console Connect to its data centre, where customers can easily connect to the HKEX trading environment.  

Career background: Edward joined the Console Connect team in September 2020 and has over twenty years of experience in the telecoms sector across Asia Pacific. He has previously held sales roles at China Mobile International, Hutchison Global Communications (HGC) and PCCW.

What he likes best about the Console Connect platform: “The flexibility and speed is what I love most about Console Connect. To have the ability to instantly provision connections to the cloud or to other business-critical applications is a game changer for enterprises, particularly in markets across Asia Pacific where demand for cloud is growing so fast. Equally, the combination of our network reach and pay-as-you-go model is a really great fit for customers that are looking to expand into new markets across the region.”

Contact Edward: Edward is based in Hong Kong and can be reached on

Topics: Networking
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